Alexandra Gross
I have been interested in Buddhism since high school, but it's only recently that I've begun to understand how directly I can apply these ideas towards a fuller experience and appreciation of all aspects of my life. Two classes I took through DRBU, one on Buddhism and post-modernity, and one on the Buddhist unconscious, helped me make these connections. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and am currently working as a writer and researcher with the National Registry of Exonerations.

On a beautiful Saturday last month, I went down to San Francisco’s Ocean beach to join a thousand other people in spelling out “TAX THE 1%” with our bodies in the sand, while a helicopter flew overhead and took pictures. Several local news stations ran stories on the demonstration, and everyone who was involved was [...]
I was raised without religion. My parents are rational, intellectual, and basically atheist – one comes from a vaguely Christian family, the other from a slightly Jewish one, and they never really made anything of it. They are both professors; they don’t believe, they think. So I had to wonder what they would make of [...]
…we are deeply driven by biological impulses and genetic predispositions, heavily programmed…. But …it is possible to learn how to better understand and direct our own minds, and to overcome some of our programming. After reading an earlier post in which I wondered what my subconscious might be doing behind my back, a friend sent [...]
I recently turned thirty, and to celebrate, I spent a long weekend in a cabin in the woods with a group of my closest friends. Out of the ten of us that were there, none are married: one is engaged, another is in a serious relationship, and the rest are basically single. In other areas, [...]