“The capacity of the mind is vast and far-reaching; like empty space, it has no boundaries. It is neither square nor round, large nor small. Nor is it blue, yellow, red, or white. It has no above or below, no long or short. Moreover, it has no anger or joy, right or wrong, good or [...]

The two men in this photo are Pancho Ramos Stierle and Adelaja Simon. I have meditated with them in the park near their home in Oakland where many homicides have taken place. We wanted to spread loving-kindness and help heal the wounds of something that is now very dysfunctional. At the heart, there is the [...]
The Monastic Immersion program has just kicked off with last Tuesday night’s orientation. The idea of the program is to learn Buddhism by living and practicing in a Monastery and maintaining the monastic schedule. Thirty participants from a wide spectrum of religious and educational backgrounds will come to CTTB to participate in the program for [...]
As the school year wraps up, we asked the 4-6th graders to reflect on what they learned in meditation class. Their responses were both insightful and simple, serious and witty: I feel like my mind got a bath …. “I think meditation has been helping me. Not only my behavior, but my mind. I feel [...]
We recently published a short video clip on kids and meditation. This was part of an ongoing series on meditators of various ages and backgrounds — this time we went very young. Kristine and I shot this clip at the Instilling Goodness Elementary Schools at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB). This clip was [...]
It isn’t common for me to write poetry, but this poem came to mind sort of suddenly during the winter Chan session here at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB). After the bell rang I rushed back to my room to write it down. A pebble wonders, Why are there ripples in the stream? [...]